Snoopy Wins Germany’s „Bunny Hop“ Hurdle Race

There’s no stopping Snoopy.
The two-year-old jumps hurdle after hurdle in Germany’s annual „Bunny Hop“ race.
Claudia Fehlen of the Thuringia Bunny Club says the buck rabbit is hot favorite to take out the competition.
[Claudia Fehlen, Thuringia Bunny Club]:
„Snoopy is seen as a hot contender. As well as Caligula who is a great high-jumper. But it is a very hot day and some of the bunnies are not in that great of a shape, so don’t want to predict anything.“
While most of the furry creatures jump to the challenge… others require a little more encouragement.
Organizers say it’s a serious sport.
[Claudia Fehlen, Thuringia Bunny Club]:
„Well in our sport, the bunny hop, we have three different categories: light, medium and difficult. They differ in height, the bunny must jump 25, 35 and 40 centimeters. And so our bunny has to jump as high as 40 centimeters and I am convinced that some of our bunnies will manage that today.“
The pundits are right.. and Snoopy leaves the rest of the field far behind.
His owner, Sara Gerstner, says Snoopy has found his calling.
[Sara Gerstner, Snoopy’s Owner]:
„At home all of my bunnies live in a barn and they are happy to have some change once a week when they train. They are very excited when they see that carrier box and they know they’re off.“
For many of the bunnies, competitive sports is their ticket to a long life.
Many of the rabbits are deemed inadequate for breeding, and would normally have ended up on a dinner plate.
Medals, fame and recognition – is a much more appealing alternative.

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