Car Racing Legend Schumacher Makes a Comeback

Racing legend Michael Schumacher is poised to make a comeback.
The seven times Formula One world champion has agreed to step back onto the Grand Prix grid for the first time in almost three years.
Formula One fans in Schumacher’s German hometown are delighted with the news.
[Marie Nimts, Formula One Fan]:
“I think it’s super. I hope he’s going to show them one more time that he is not yet one of the oldies. It’s a great opportunity.“
[Ursula Kalesse, Formula One Fan]:
„I was extremely surprised. I saw every single one of his races and I’m delighted. At the same time, others should be given a chance too, I think. Maybe someone else is just as good as him.“
[Walger Mueller, Formula One Fan]:
“He wants to try it one more time and that’s the nice thing about sports.“
The 40-year-old will replace injured driver Felipe Massa for as long as the Brazilian is unable to race.
Massa fractured his skull in an accident at last weekend’s Hungarian Grand Prix. He is making progress but could be out of competition for the rest of the season.
Schumacher must pass a fitness test before taking his place in the Ferrari team car.
He would join the championship with just seven races remaining at the European Grand Prix next month.
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