Best Music – Es geht vorwärts bei Lady Jane!

Es geht vorwärts bei Lady Jane! Lady Jane legt ihr erstes Komplett-Video ihren Freunden vor vom Auftritt in der Blue Monday Lounge im DOCK.ONE, Köln. Die Band – also Lars Dieckmann am Saxophon, Robert Oschatz, Gitarre und Gesang, Mira Herold Percussions und die geniale Jana Reiß als Lead- und Solo-Sängerin – bringt ein Medley und liefert die eingängigen Texte von Jana Reiß zum Mitsingen gleich mit.Hier Lady Jane im Original-Ton:
Uaaaaaaaah, ladies and gents, hier ist es – unser erstes Lady Jane-Video zu viert!!!!! Eine Aufnahme unseres Auftritts bei der Blue Monday Lounge – ein Medley aus drei Liedern! Wenn es euch gefällt, bitte teilt es mit euren Freunden! Viel Spaß! 🙂 Und einen großen Dank an Benjamin Leers für Kamera & Schnitt!!What we have by Jana Reiß
What we have by Jana Reiß
Maybe it’s still you who possesses me
Maybe it’s a labyrinth in my mind
Your dark moods make my white dress dirty
I’ve lost the view through a child’s eyes
And strange things come up
The winter’s near, it’s time to bloom
Cause strange things come up,
Don’t be afraid to dance naked in my room

And live what we have
Oh I miss you, I miss you
I miss you, I miss you
And give all that we have
Oh I miss you so bad
Things gonna change, what have you turned into
While we were waiting for the snow?
Is there a someone who keeps loving you
When you’ll be ugly and old?
And strange things come up,
Strange things come up,
Strange things come up,
Don’t be afraid to bloom
And give all that we have,
Oh I miss you so bad
Memories in chains and a failed smile
I am tempted to believe
That there might be a reason why
I couldn’t forget you all these years
And strange things come up
The winter’s near, it’s time to bloom
Cause strange things come up,
Don’t be afraid to dance naked in my room
And live what we have
Oh I miss you, I miss you
I miss you, I miss you
And give all that we have
Oh I miss you so bad
Live what we have
Oh I miss you, I miss you
I miss you, I miss you
And give all that we have
Oh I miss you so bad
Strange things come up
Don’t be afraid to bloom…
In these days by Jana Reiß (Chorus by Jana Reiß & Ela Paul)
You can go to the park or buy some other shoes
When all seems possible it’s hard, so hard to choose
You can get wherever you want in this globalized space
And if you can find no home it’s your own fault
in these days
In these days
In these da a a a a a ays
In these days you can choose if you want to be a part of it,
Or if you want to stay alone or if
You wanna change these days,
change these days,
These da a a a a a ays

You can dress up like in those fashion magazines
You can go by bike (by bike) or take a limousine
You can eat three double-cheese to chase the emptiness away
You can live a life of ease but are you happy?
Why do you always chase after the perfect bliss,
After the next state of great happiness?
Can’t you be satisfied with what you have in your mind?
Can’t you be satisfied
(Are you happy?)
in these days?
In these days
In these da a a a a a ays
In these days you can choose if you want to be a part of it,
Or if you want to stay alone or if
You wanna change these days,
change these days,
These da a a a a a ays
You can sell your soul to one of those underpaid jobs
You can lose control and watch yourself as you become a snob
You can move to another town but never find the right place
And when you’re finally settled down can you find freedom in these days
In these days
In these da a a a a a ays
In these days you can choose if you want to be a part of it,
Or if you want to stay alone or if
You wanna change these days
Why do you always chase after the perfect bliss,
After the next state of great happiness?
Can’t you be satisfied with what you have in your mind?
Can’t you be satisfied
(Are you happy?)
In these days you can choose if you want to be a part of it,
Oh or if you want to stay alone or if
You wanna change these days,
change these days,
These da a a a a a ays
Change these days,
These da a a a a a ays
Badaba change these days.
Artikel erschienen am 12.11.2012 in
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