Thais Remember Japan Tsunami Victims
Thousands gathered in central Thailand on Saturday to remember those who died and support those who survived in the Japanese tsunami over six weeks ago.
A thousand Buddhist monks prayed at the Dhammakaya Temple, just north of Bangkok.
[Dr. Thaniyo Bhikku, Buddhist Monk]:
„Today is the day that Thais, the Japanese and people from around the world join together for Japan. Everybody here has good intentions, wishing Japanese people to return to normality following the devastation, as soon as possible.”
The commemoration was marked by prayers and meditation.
[Piyawan Pengtham, Attendee]:
“The dead cannot receive money or items donated, but I believe they will receive goodwill from our hearts, according to the beliefs of Buddhism.”
Thailand and Japan have close ties after more than 120 years of cooperation. Around 45,000 Japanese people live in Thailand.
Northwest Japan was worst hit by the tsunami generated by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake on March 11th, and thousands are still missing.
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