Taipei: Grammy-Nominated Graphic Designer Praises Shen Yun

Taiwanese graphic designer Xiao Qingyang is a three-time Grammy Award finalist for his music album designs.
He has Shen Yun advertised in overseas cities like New York and Los Angeles, but never thought he would get to see the show in Taiwan.
[Xiao Qingyang, Graphic Designer]:
”There are many musicians, dancers. Their abilities and their performance are actually very remarkable. The dance where they throw handkerchiefs deeply impressed me. Originally, I thought they are using some kind of special effect with wires, but later discovered that was not the case. It is entirely their superb skills that enables them to throw the scarves in the air.”
Mr. Xiao was impressed by the traditional spiritual themes in the Shen Yun performance.
[Xiao Qingyang, Graphic Designer]:
“It has exquisite Eastern culture, oriental dance, the feeling of oriental people for gods, heaven and earth. Actually I kind of feel like we were also gods coming to the world, and after cultivating something, we are preparing to go back to heaven. When I see this kind of artistic expression, it is very encouraging to me. In fact we seem to be coming to this earth to do some (cultivation) practice, and after seeing this performance today, it seems to have reminded me of something, why I came here. Although I haven’t found a definite answer, I am very happy that I had the opportunity to see this performance.”
NTD News, Taipei, Taiwan.
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.
Die Aufführungen von „Shen Yun“ finden bis Mitte Juni in folgenden Städten statt:
Louvain-la-Neuve/Neu-Löwen bei Brüssel, Belgien / 30. April – 11. Mai
Neuchâtel, Schweiz / 13.-16. Mai
Chişinău/Kischinau, Republik Moldau / 25.-26. Mai
Odessa, Ukraine / 28. Mai
Athen, Griechenland / 3.-4. Juni
Turin, Italien / 8.-9. Juni
Lodz, Polen / 14.-16. Juni

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