Prague Symphony Orchestra Plays in Sympathy for Japan
The Prague Symphony Orchestra recently held a “Concert for Japan” in the Smetana´s hall of the Municipal House in Prague.
[Ilja Smid, Prague Symphony Orchestra, Director]:
“I think the main purpose is to express sympathy for the tragedy that happened in Japan, and we would also like to collect some financial aid for the Japanese Red Cross.”
The orchestra has a long-term relationship with the Eastern country, performing in Japan regularly.
Last year, the Prague Symphony Orchestra performed in the Japanese city, Sendai – now devastated by the tsunami disaster.
A Japanese orchestra member, Junko Honda, says it was not easy to organize the concert.
[Junko Honda, Orchestra Member]:
“One orchestra member – the double-bass player – said we have to do something, and I appreciate it very much because it was not at all easy, promotion and the office work, everybody has volunteered for free and so the concert is sold out tonight.”
Chairwoman of the Czech House of Parliament, Miroslava Nemcova, expresses admiration for the discipline of the Japanese people, with which they are facing the catastrophe.
[Miroslava Nemcova, Chairwoman, Czech House of Parliament]:
“The message I would like to convey to his Excellency, the Ambassador of Japan, is my deep admiration for Japan, because how the Japanese people have managed to cope with this big, cruel misfortune, stirs in us admiration for their discipline, their ability to see the bigger picture and their sense of obligation.“
The Prague mayor, Bohuslav Svoboda, expresses respect for the Japanese people´s humbleness.
[Bohuslav Svoboda, Prague Mayor]:
“We have an opportunity to see how the Japanese people are coping with the situation, they are striving to clean up the aftermath of the catastrophe with such humbleness towards the power of Mother Nature.”
Audience members raised a total of around 17,000 EUR in tickets to hear the Prague Symphony Orchestra’s Concert for Japan.
All proceeds will go to the Japanese Red Cross for helping the tsunami victims.
NTD News, Prague, Czech Republic.
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