First Shen Yun Show in Paris

This past weekend, Shen Yun Performing Arts went on the Parisian stage for the first time this season, and the fourth time in total.
Pierre-Jean Bozo was among the audience. Bozo is the president of France-based „20 Minutes“ newspaper, which circulates to a confirmed readership of more than 2 million.
[Pierre-Jean Bozo, 20 Minutes President]:
„I think this show combines both modern and Chinese folklore elements. It is very interesting because of all the values that it portrays.“
According to Bozo, the significance of the Shen Yun experience was its capacity to reach beyond his intellect.
[Pierre-Jean Bozo, Newspaper President]:
„The sequences, the colors, the movements, the choreography, I think quite frankly it’s wonderful. There you have it, I was very moved. My emotional side played a much larger role than my intellectual side.“
On a similar note, French film director, actor, screenwriter and producer, Jean-Pierre Mocky, described his experience with Shen Yun as one of spiritual fulfillment.
[Jean-Pierre Mocky, Director, Actor & Producer]:
„When you get out of this show, you feel like you just underwent a cure, a cure of beauty, of harmony. In any other opera, there is no feeling of fulfillment, of plenitude. I think these women are… they look like they are from another world. These dancers, it’s as if they were walking in the sky. They walk, but the impression we get is that their feet don’t touch the ground.“
[Paris Conservatory of Music Opera Singer]:
„I was thrilled, completely thrilled. The choreography… everything, everything, everything… And the magnificent voice of the mezzo-soprano and tenor, I am thrilled. Tomorrow, when I leave Mass, I will hand out many flyers so that people go see this show. There you have it, I will be back tomorrow.“
NTD News, Paris, France.
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.
Die Aufführungen von „Shen Yun“ finden bis Mitte Juni in folgenden Städten statt:
Cardiff, Vereinigtes Königreich / 27.-28. April
Louvain-la-Neuve/Neu-Löwen bei Brüssel, Belgien / 30. April – 11. Mai
Neuchâtel, Schweiz / 13.-16. Mai
Chişinău/Kischinau, Republik Moldau / 25.-26. Mai
Odessa, Ukraine / 28. Mai
Athen, Griechenland / 3.-4. Juni
Turin, Italien / 8.-9. Juni
Lodz, Polen / 14.-16. Juni

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