Virtuoso Russian Composer Andrei Eshpai Speaks With NTD

Maestro Andrei Eshpai performs for the Moscow public to celebrate his 85-year anniversary. The composer admits that he still feels nervous before concerts just like he did before his first concert.
[Andrei Eshpai, Composer]:
„Every time I feel as if starting anew. Already I have some experience, but each time the whole experience feels like the first time.“
Eshpai has created nearly three hundred works. There are symphonies, ballets, operettas, and music for films and popular songs. He is the world’s only composer to write concertos for all instruments of the orchestra. He says that the important thing is to realize the creative idea behind the composition.
[Andrei Eshpai, Composer]:
“The art is to make into reality that which you have conceived, and in the way that you wanted. This is not always possible, but one should strive for this goal.”
The music of Andrei Eshpai is enjoyed today not only in Russia. Touring artists perform his work and European orchestras also interpret them.
[Leonora Dmiterko, Honored Artist of Russia]:
„When you play the music of Eshpai, there is no doubt it will be successful. Should I expect success? What should I expect? You know deeply that it will be successful for sure.“
Artists say that it is easy to work with Andrei Eshpai. There is a sincerity and ease in his character, and this is reflected in his music.
[Leonora Dmiterko, Honored Artist of Russia]:
„His music is very warm. Maybe, it is more warm and sincere and honest than anyone else. It is so open. And that is amazing. And of course, it gives so much energy that you already know that the whole audience will be yours.“
The father of Andrei Eshpai was a professional composer, and helped his son develop his love for music. Eshpai created several works in his memory.The maestro has multiple awards, but does not rest on his laurels and continues to create beautiful new music.
NTD, Moscow, Russia

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