World Tango Championships in Argentina

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times24. August 2011

The dance of love and heartbreak in Argentina’s capital.

The World Tango Championships gets underway, starting with the Salon Tango category, the more traditional version of the dance.

Hundreds of couples from all over the world are competing for the title.

And for Vietnamese dancer Monglan Ham, the rapport within the couple is all important.

[Monglan Ham, Contestant]:
„It is the passion within the couple, the communication passing over the floor. Tango music is all about the love and passion the heart feels when it is broken and when it falls in love. That is what tango is to me.“

Over one week, judges will weed out their top picks, culminating in the crowning of the Salon and the Stage Tango champions.


Foto: NTD

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