Wildfire Out-of-Control in Greece

Epoch Times21. August 2009

A wildfire broke out near the village of Magoula, 20 kilometers northwest of Athens on Thursday. It is still burning out of control.

More than 100 firefighters with 25 fire engines and five helicopters battled the blaze on several fronts, but strong winds hampered their efforts to stop the flames.

Residents and workers fled their houses and workplaces as the industrial district was surrounded by flames. Local officials said that at least one warehouse was on fire and several are still in danger. A fire brigade official said their main concern was the fire raging close to factory warehouses with stocks of chemicals.

In addition to firefighters, local residents, volunteer firefighters and workers from nearby industries also participated in the effort to contain the flames using hoses, buckets and spades.

Fire officials said that more than 50 blazes broke out on Thursday and urged citizens to avoid activities that could cause a fire.

Wildfires are common in Greece during the summer months and are often caused by human carelessness or arson.


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