WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Makes Court Appearance

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange emerges from a London court after a brief hearing.
The 39-year-old Australian is fighting extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over alleged sex crimes.
After Tuesday’s court appearance which lasted less than half an hour, there will be a full hearing in February.
[Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Founder]:
„We had a short hearing here today in London. The case will proceed on the 6th and 7th, as was previous planned. We are happy about today’s outcome.“
Assange said that the legal proceedings would not interrupt the work of his organization.
[Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Founder]:
„I would also like to say that our work with WikiLeaks continues unabated and we are stepping up our publishing for matters related to cablegate and other materials.“
Assange infuriated Washington in recent months by releasing details of secret U.S. diplomatic cables on his website.
In December the organization said it planned to release a new batch of sensitive documents, this time pointing to unethical practices at a major U.S. bank.

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