Ukraine Experiences Abnormally Warm November
Abnormally warm weather in Ukraine.
Last Thursday in Kyiv the temperature reached above 66 degrees Fahrenheit (19 degrees Celsius), beating the record set in 1927.
And the consequences of such warm weather are not all positive.
[Christina Rudnitskaya, National Ecological Center of Ukraine]:
„Prolonged warm weather has a negative impact on the biological system, on the ecological system, and on plants and animals, because they do not realize what it is right now – spring, or summer, or autumn – chestnuts begin to bloom, and dill, parsley and other plants grow in the gardens.“
Environmentalists say if temperatures suddenly drop, crops that are coming out due to warm weather now, will be threatened by winter frosts.
And this is just the beginning.
[Christina Rudnitskaya, National Ecological Center of Ukraine]:
„An overall temperature increase will occur and more frequent flooding will come to the west of Ukraine. In the east – there will be problems with drinking water, desertification and the spread of diseases such as malaria.“
Scientists estimate that over the past 100 years global temperatures have risen by 0.8 degrees Celsius.
If this figure increases to 2 degrees, it can lead to irreversible phenomena to which humanity will not be able to adapt to.
Meanwhile, Ukrainians took off winter clothes with different reactions.
[Ukrainian Resident]:
„I love it. I feel good and I don’t care, I’m wearing light shoes and I am pleased.“
[Ukrainian Resident]:
„I remember we used to play with snowballs this time of the year.“
Scientists say weather forecasting is becoming more complicated.
Forecasters are expecting cooler weather next week.
NTD News, Kyiv, Ukraine.
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