Ukraine Celebrates 19 Years of Independence
[Viktor Yanukovich, President of Ukraine]:
„I will not allow Ukraine to abandon the path of democratic reform, the path of reforms of the economy and resolute struggle against corruption, the path of freedom of speech and the rule of law.“
After a small concert, the official part of the celebrations is over.
[John Tefft, U.S. Ambassador]:
„It is hard for me to imagine how those young men can kick and dance the way they do. It’s wonderful.“
Distinguished guests join the congratulations.
[Lubomir Husar, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Major & Archbishop of Kiev-Galicia]:
„We sincerely hope that each day of the independence in Ukraine will be better each time, will be more first-rate and more satisfactory.“
[Vsevolod Loskutov, Counselor of the Russian Embassy]:
„Happiness, prosperity, good health and success in the implementation of those plans, they were suggested by the president.“
[Anna Varavva, NTD News]:
„Celebration of the Independence Day this year has already been called economical. The parade has been eliminated from the official program, but the sense of celebration has not diminished because of this. To mark the official date different events have been held all around the city.“
A march of people wearing traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirts has begun in the historical part of city.
People are singing and dancing in the central streets of Kiev to determine whose embroidered shirt is the best.
Ukrainian writers and brothers Kapranov advise people to wear these traditional clothes not just on Independence Day.
[Vitaliy Kapranov, Writer]:
„On your own birthday, on your wife’s birthday.”
[Dmitry Kapranov, Writer]:
„Generally speaking, this is standard holiday clothing. And this is a good tradition to make it our holiday clothes.”
[Unidentified Person]:
„I feel good in this embroidered shirt; I feel beautiful; I feel I’m part of the Ukrainian people.“
Meanwhile, in the Mariynsky Park, balloons abound. There are dozens of different designs. But at the end of the day they’re all released into the sky
NTD, Kyiv, Ukraine.
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