Tibetan Crackdown Continues

Epoch Times19. Juni 2009

Moving on to China where tensions are high in the Tibet region. We’re receiving reports of police crackdowns on Tibetan monks…forcing the monks to condemn the Dalai Lama.

In the Changdu area of Tibet three monks are in jail for refusing to condemn the Dalai Lama as part of what the Chinese Communist Party calls “patriotic re-education.”

One Tibetan who now lives in India says that after the three monks were arrested, nearly 500 Tibetans from nine villages went to demand the monks’ release outside the detention center.

Authorities sent about 300 riot police to disperse the crowd using tear gas.

Many Tibetans fainted after inhaling the toxic gases or went into a coma, and have been hospitalized.

On Thursday Jiangda County Communist Party officials announced a new round of “patriotic re-education.” They had every monk condemn the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile on camera. The monks were told that if they don’t comply their monasteries will be closed and the monks will be taken away.

According to the website of the Tibetan government-in-exile, Tibetan farmers from Kang and other areas are protesting by refusing to farm.

Tibetan supporters say that Lhasa is under tight military control. The authorities deployed a large number of armed police and security personnel to city streets and roofs of buildings. In addition, they also installed cameras to monitor the temples and major streets.


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