Thousands Pray After Chinese Authorities Attack Church Members

Epoch Times21. September 2009

This is the aftermath of an overnight surprise attack last Sunday by authorities in Fushan, Shanxi Province.

Members of the Shanxi Linfeng Fushan Church were nearly done building what they say was meant to be a shoe factory, and the workers were living on-site.

Authorities in Fushan Town, however, thought they were constructing a church—and without a permit. So over the past month, authorities issued several stop-work orders. The builders ignored them.

Church member Hongzhen Yang told Sound of Hope Radio that at 3am on Sunday, more than 400 people surrounded the building where members had gathered. She says the group, made up of local police and hired thugs, broke through the front door with earthmovers. They then began beating up whoever was inside.

[Hongzhen Yan, Church Member]:
“When they first went in, they started to beat everyone up. They smashed all the windows, and dragged everyone out to beat them. They looked under the bed, looked everywhere for people and then beat them up. After they finished with the beating, the dragged them outside and left them there.”

Church members say the attack was well coordinated. The attackers came with bulldozers and were armed with batons, bricks and spades. Members say they were wearing red armbands—and would beat up anyone without one.

The attack left the building in ruins. Church members’ belongings, including money and Bibles, were all taken away.

Dozens of church members were injured in the attack, some seriously.

On Monday, thousands of church members gathered for a mass prayer. They posted this footage on the Internet, hoping to draw attention to their plight.


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