Thousands in Hong Kong March for Democracy

Epoch Times3. Juli 2009

Moving on to Hong Kong where an estimated 76 thousand people marched through through city streets Thursday, calling for swifter democratic reforms, poverty alleviation and investor rights protection. The protest marks the 12th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover from British to Chinese rule. The protesters expressed dissatisfaction with the territory’s leader, Donald Tsang, saying he is hindering democratic progress and has made bad policy choices amidst the global economic slowdown.

The theme of this year’s July 1 march was closing the wealth gap, improving people’s livelihood, focusing on policy errors and handing power to the people.

Organizers asked those participating to wear white clothes to show they are determined to fight for democracy.

They held banners and shouted slogans accusing Chief Executive Donald Tsang of collusion between business and government and hindering Hong Kong’s democracy, human rights and law.

[Mr. Li, Hong Kong Resident]:
„Many policies don’t reflect the will of the people. It’s only big business that benefits… the government only cares about big business.“

[Mr. Chan, Hong Kong Resident]:
„The performance of officials is terrible. The words said by the people in power are just ridiculous. They say one thing then deny it later. I came out because I am patriotic, but I do not love the Communist Party.“

[Mr. Tsang, Hong Kong Resident]:
„I am not satisfied with the Communist Party’s human rights policies.“

[Mr. Tsand, Hong Kong Resident]:
„The Chinese Communists and the wealthy businessmen. These two groups of people. We have to fight for democracy.“

Parents bought their children, and some retired politicians also took part.

Former Legislative Council member for the Democracy Party Martin Lee, says July 1 is the best time to fight for democracy.

[Martin Lee, Former Legis. Council Member, Democracy Party]:
„We should fight for democracy not just for Hong Kong’s people, but also for those in mainland China. In fact, many of them also want to come and march as we do, but they cannot. We Hong Kong people have to help the people in mainland China and walk towards Democracy together.“

Former Chief Secretary for Administration Anson Chan, says the government should stop delaying general elections.

[Anson Chan, Former Chief Secretary for Administration]:
„People are very eager for a quicker pace towards democracy. The government should show their sincerity, consult with the public, and pave the way to achieve universal sufferage by 2017 or 2020.“

Falun Gong practitioners also joined the March, as July 1 is also World Quit the Communist Party Day. They called on mainland Chinese to renounce their Communist Party membership, saying true democracy could only be possible once the Communist Party is gone.

A group of about 130 protesters were forcefully removed from the city’s government headquarters after ignoring police warnings to leave.


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