The World Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day
It may be an Irish holiday, but cities around the world turn green to join the Irish in celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Thursday.
New Zealand festivities kicked off with the city of Auckland’s Sky Tower lit green. And revelers took to the streets, dancing in celebration.
The „green movement“ continued in Dubai, where the famous Burj Al Arab hotel shimmered green in the morning sun.
In South Africa, Table Mountain also turned green, as did Nelson’s Monument in Edinburgh, Scotland. Irish boxer Katie Taylor offered her theory as to why people around the globe were so keen to adopt the Irish green on the day.
[Katie Taylor, Irish Boxer]:
„We have such a great history in the country and such a great culture. I think, everyone kind of wants to be part of Ireland in some way.”
Theatre troupes, artists, puppets, dancers, and marching bands from all over the world joined thousands of revelers in the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Dublin – all part of a week’s worth of celebrations.
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