Thailand: Special Police Training for Thai Canines

Epoch Times5. Juli 2009

Pet dogs in Thailand are given the chance to become trained police dogs. Thai police have designed a special program to recruit a volunteer dog squad that will do everything from sniffing for bombs to being guard dogs.


Hundreds of grown up puppies ranging from Thai federation breeds to the hard-cored Rottweiler, are taking part in a police training course in Bangkok.

For some the dogs in the three-month program, this is the first time they have been told what to do.

The canine trainees and their owners received two hours of basic obedience.

The dogs learn to respond to orders like “sit,” “forward” and “wait.”

[Colonel Chatchai, Dog Trainer]:
„When dogs pass the elementary level, we will train them on advanced discipline, and select a particular working field for crime suppression tasks.“

Some dogs could not advance because they could not obey their owner’s orders, or the owner gave up on the program.

But the owners of the disqualified dogs still receive police training on how to take proper care of their pets.

Since the Royal Thai Police only has 33 professional police dogs, information on trainee dogs and its owners will be registered to local police stations to make a police doggy network.

The trained dogs will be called to work in the local areas they live in.

Only 20 out of 300 candidates passed the test last year to become official police dogs.

Two-and-a-half-year-old German sheperd Tichy began her first official job last year as guard dog in the royal cremation ceremony of the King’s sister.

Two-year-old male labrador Jame, was appointed a narcotics dog because he is a fast learner.

[Chaiwat Ruangkittikul, Volunteer Police Dog Owner]:
„The program was initiated to make police dogs familiar with civilians‘ dogs so they can be united. They (police) want to encourage people to help society.“

Over 800 hundred domestic dogs are taking part in the three-month program.

Police say they will consider opening a third phase if the second phase of the course is successful.


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