Taiwan: New Book Says Chinese Regime Plans to Take Over the Country by 2012

An exiled Chinese law professor has written a book called “Taiwan Disaster.” In it, he says the Chinese Communist Party is planning to make Taiwan part of the People’s Republic of China by 2012. He spoke at a press conference last week in Taipei.
[Yuan Hongbing, Exiled Law Professor]:
“The truth is, the tyrant Chinese Communist Party is planning to, by 2012, comprehensively—through political, economic, cultural and social fronts—infiltrate Taiwan, to control Taiwan’s democratic system, and to further eradicate Taiwan’s democratic system.”
Yuan says much of his book is based on classified information. His book cites a 2008 document issued by the Central Government. It says that reunification “should be achieved by comprehensive unification efforts in political, economic, cultural and social areas. [The reunification] will completely smash the conspiracy of domestic and foreign enemies to overthrow socialist China through the utilization of Taiwan’s so-called democratic experiences.”
Another document Yuan obtained was the transcript of a June 2008 speech by Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. It was given at a highly secretive meeting of the Politburo of the Communist Party’s Central Committee.
According to Yuan, that meeting was primarily focused on plotting the strategy behind the Taiwan unification plan. The book says Wen Jiabao stated at the meeting that, “Economic integration is by nature, economic unification. Taiwan benefits from it economically, and we [the CCP] fulfill our political goal by doing it.”
And economic unification is just one of the strategies revealed in the new book.
Yuan says the communist regime also plans to:
• Make Taiwan economically dependent on the Mainland by occupying a large portion of Taiwan’s export and tourism markets;
• Erode Taiwan’s political platforms by corrupting the leaders of the ruling Kuomintang Party; and
• Marginalize the pro-democracy Democratic Progressive Party.
[Yuan Hongbing, Exiled Law Professor]:
“What is [the CCP] hoping to get in return for these economic concessions? They want Taiwan’s freedom in exchange. They want to deprive Taiwan’s freedom. This is the truth of the problem.”
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