South-Korea: Anti-North Korea Protest in Seoul

Epoch Times11. Juli 2009

In Seoul, South Korean conservatives were rallying against North Korea today. Protesters were denouncing the North’s military activities and its suspected link to a string of cyber attacks.

Hundreds of protesters gathered in downtown Soul to denounce neighboring North Korea.

They burned missile models and photos of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, while chanting anti-North slogans.

[Park Chan-sung, Protest Leader]:
„We will never tolerate Kim Jong-il’s regime provoking a war and stirring up tensions in the world. We urge the United Nations, the United States, Japan, and the South Korean government to get together and take strong sanctions against North Korea, leading the North to terminate Kim Jong-il’s hereditary dictatorship.“

North Korea is a prime suspect behind a recent string of cyber attacks in five countries, including the U.S. and South Korea, which are slowing websites and damaging personal computers by wiping out stored data.

South Korea’s National Intelligence Service says it’s difficult to determine the origin of the attacks.

Last month, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution expanding previous U.N. sanctions against North Korea in response to a May 25 nuclear test by Pyongyang.

And North Korea fired seven ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan on July 4th in defiance of Security Council resolutions that prohibit such launches.

Defense officials say North Korea has more than 600 Scud type missiles and 300 Rodong missiles deployed and targeted at South Korea and Japan.


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