Shen Yun Concludes Fourth Show in Dallas

Epoch Times25. Dezember 2010

Shen Yun Performance Arts concluded its fourth show in Dallas, Texas on December 19 at the AT and T Performing Arts Center.

One audience member describes the show as “mesmerizing.”

[Laura Jeffers, Audience Member]:

“It’s powerful… It’s unbelievable – the backdrop, the staging, just all the choreography. The costumes alone are incredible. So like I said there’s hardly any words to describe it except mesmerizing.”

[Dean Jones, Engineer]:

“I’m glad I didn’t miss it. I’ve seen them advertising it in the Northeast Mall and thought it would be something new and different.”

Ms. Mann was pleasantly surprised throughout the show.

[Janet Mann, Business Assistant]:

“I just can’t get over it. I didn’t know what to expect, but I really, really love it.“

Another audience member expresses a wondrous feeling after seeing the show.

[Raheemah Abdul Wadoud, Educator]:

“It was, throughout the show, it was as if we were a part of it. It was just so magical and wonderful, the abilities of those dancers to perform like they did. It was just fantastic, fantastic.”

It was Mr. Davis’s second time to see Shen Yun. He took his wife and three children to see the show.

[Bob Davis, Lawyer]:

“We have a great time. And our children hold reasonably still and watch the performance themselves…they seem to have a good time… The dancing is very well choreographed, and it’s so synchronous. It’s really impressive that you can get a group together, that holds together this well.”

Shen Yun is now performing in Houston, Texas through Friday.

NTD News, Dallas, Texas


Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.



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