Pakistan: Shock After Deadly Explosion in Village

Epoch Times15. Juli 2009

A cache of explosives believed to have been hidden by militants, was set off in a house used to teach children the Koran. A doctor at the town’s hospital says the victims of the explosion include seven children, a man and a woman. At least 70 people have been wounded.

Early morning rain falls down onto the remains of the town’s housing.  An uneasy calm remains at Mian Channu town where most shops are closed since the blast occurred.

[Lateef, Tea Vendor]:
„Yes, there is lot of fear everywhere. People are frightened. This incident was like doomsday. We are very sad. The market was closed yesterday and it is closed today as well.“

Rescue workers have been busy cleaning debris until late on Monday. Resident Mohammad Sajjad says now the villages are not even spared from terrorists.

[Mohammad Sajjad, Resident]:
„Earlier, the terrorists carried out attacks in cities but now the villages are not even safe.“

The blast has flattened over a dozen mud-built houses in the village.  

[Malik Taufiq, Traffic Policeman]:
„Many houses have been completely destroyed here. They are at least 80 houses. The residents who have been spared from the blast, are moving to their relatives‘ houses.“

Police have found evidence that militants were using the house where the explosion occurred. They have found four jackets used by suicide bombers and six rocket launchers among the rubble. The provincial law minister says police have arrested the owner of the house.


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