NTD Classical Chinese Dance Competition Concludes in New York

Epoch Times24. Juni 2009

NTD’s third annual Classical Chinese Dance Competition came to a successful conclusion in New York City over the weekend. NTD’s Ben Hedges takes us there.

The last four days have seen talented performers from all over the world fill the stage, at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center in Manhattan, New York. This is the 2009 NTD Chinese Classical Dance Competition. Ashley Meloche drove down from Toronto to watch the competition.

[Ashley Meloche, Audience Member]:
“I’ve watched international dance competitions from Beijing. I’ve watched different dance schools and their show cases, and I’ve watched this competition over a few years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen them reach this level of professionalism. The energy they express, and the passion that they have and the courage that they show on stage and the beauty they can express is just out of this world. There is nothing like it. It’s an experience that you can’t get anywhere else. It’s quite amazing.”

We followed Taiwanese competitor Tingjie Huang throughout the four days and she made it though to the final today. She describes her experience of dancing in the final.

[Tingjie Huang, Dancer]:
“I feel actually I was a little more nervous compared to yesterday, but when I was on stage I controlled my dancing even better than before. In the area of keeping good control of myself I feel today, in this final round, compared to how I normally am. I really have raised my ability. I am a lot more stable in my heart.”

With all the performances now over contestants will have to wait until the evening to find out the results. It is here at the New Jersey State Theater in New Brunswick, that the awards ceremony is taking place.

Tingjie Huang won an honorary mention award in the female category, with Cindy Liu from Shen Yun performing arts taking the first prize, while in the male category Golden Li also from Shen Yun took the top prize.

[Golden Li, 1st Place Winner]:
“I feel the reason I could get first place today is because of my teacher teaching me and my fellow students care and help. Continue to be diligent, continue to raise my dance level.“

And that concludes our four days of covering NTD’s Chinese Classical Dance competition, I’m Ben Hedges. We’ll see you again next year.


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