New Delhi Painting Exhibition Marks Anniversary of Mumbai Attacks

The artists in this anniversary exhibition dealt with various themes on the Mumbai terrorist strikes to the India Gate, a war memorial in the heart of New Delhi.
[Seema Kohli, Painter]:
„What I have tried to depict here actually is how peace has been invaded by the feeling of terror all over. It was a very universal feeling, which we feel was not what happened in Mumbai on November 26th, but it is basically something which is happening all the time everywhere.“
Another painter says he wants to express concern over the way terrorism is spreading across the world.
[J.R. Rana, Painter]:
„I have specially come here to be the part of this exhibition because I was hurt by the way the terrorism is spreading across the world.“
Ten gunmen landed on Mumbai shores by boats at sunset on November 26, 2008 and fired indiscriminately at a busy railway station, a Jewish settlement, a cafe and luxury hotels.
Several people were held hostage for the next three days and over 160 people were killed.
Commandos smoked out the last of the militants on November 28th.

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