“Miracle Flowers” Blossom in Kyiv

Epoch Times29. April 2010

[Stand-up, NTD reporter] :
„This flower is 180 million years old. Magnolias were planted in ancient China beside Buddhist temples. Today they are admired in botanical gardens. Mid-April is the peak period in which to enjoy the true beauty of the magnolia.

These plants are ancestral parent of all the flowers on the planet.

They existed in the era of dinosaurs and tree ferns.

Now magnolias grow mainly in Asia and North America.

These flowers are planted not only for aesthetic pleasure but for wide use in medicine and perfumery.

[Roman Palagecha, Curator of Magnolia Collection] :
„Magnolias are ethereous-oleiferous plants and contain in their bodies up to 40-50 different oils“.

In Kiev, magnolias grow right in the heart of the city – in a botanical garden named in honor of academic Fomin.

Many people start and finish their day in this fragrant park.

And these snow-white flowers provide them with a source of inspiration.

„I come here specifically to feel happiness, joy, a sense of life, because they are very gentle.“

„I can close my eyes and say – how wonderful it is that we entered paradise.“

„I don`t want to go away. It is very good here – comfortable and cozy“.

Kievans will be able to enjoy magnolias until mid-May.

And soon soft pink flowers will appear next to white ones.

NTD, Kyiv, Ukaine.


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