“Margin Call” Stars at Berlinale Red Carpet

The cast of financial thriller “Margin Call” walk the red carpet at the Berlinale International Film Festival. The movie is about the dawn of the 2008 financial crisis.
This is J.C. Chandor´s first feature film. But he is no novice on the subject, as his father worked in the financial sector for nearly forty years.
Chandor felt the story had to be told as it affected millions of people.
[J.C. Chandor, Director of Margin Call]:
“It was a story, that wasn‘t getting told at the time and I think we need to have a conversation about this. Just in the United States alone maybe 10 or 12 million people lost their homes. That’s something we should talk about, why did that happen? And not just say we fixed it and move on.”
Margin Call features Oscar-winners Kevin Spacey and Jeremy Irons as well as A-listers Paul Bettany, Stanley Tucci and Demi Moore.
Zachary Quinto is not only a lead actor but also the movie’s producer.
[Zachary Quinto, Actor & Producer, Margin Call]:
“Of course it’s an added dimension to the experience because I had something to do with bringing the film to the world, supporting J.C. and his voice. I’m so proud of him. We‘ve become such good friends. It’s an honor for me.”
Paul Bettany may play a financial expert in Margin Call but says he has no personal interest in the stock market.
[Paul Bettany, Actor, Margin Call]:
“I’m far too unaware to do that sort of thing. I hope for the best. The stuff that I buy is property that I live in. I don’t do anything for investments, really.”
The Berlinale runs until February 20th.
Milene Fernandez, NTD News, Berlin

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