L.A.-Based Actors See Shen Yun

Big name stars like Priscilla Presley, and Sylvester Stallone’s parents, Frank and Jackie, (us-la0709-shenyun-stars) were among the celebs to walk the red carpet at Shen Yun in L.A.
Actress and singer Anne Jeffreys had a message for people who had yet to see Shen Yun.
[Anne Jeffreys, Actress and Singer]:
“If it’s in your neighborhood, you should go see it. It doesn’t come around often. And not only is it a cultural experience but it’s an experience of beauty and love and precision, dancing and gorgeous costumes. So if it’s in your neighborhood, go see it. You’ll be sorry if you miss it. I’m glad I was here.”
Lee Meriwether is an actress, former model, and winner of the 1955 Miss America pageant.
[Lee Meriwether, Actress]:
“It’ s beautiful. The dancing is unbelievable and so marvelous. I am very impressed.”
Harvey Guillen, grew up working in musical theater and now stars in the ABC series Huge.
[Harvey Guillen, Actor]:
“You have to catch this show. It’s amazing. And everyone’s just perfection. It’s just beautifully done. It’s just wonderful. Catch it.”
James Preston plays Lukas Ford on “The Gates.”
[James Preston, Actor]:
“It’s great. I loved it. It’s beautiful. Everyone’s so talented.”
Star of the movie “Valentine’s Day” Wedil David was impressed by Shen Yun’s digital backdrops.
[Wedil David, Actress]:
“The language, the interpretation, the scenery it was absolutely gorgeous. The costumes, really. I loved it. I would recommend it to everyone.”
General Hospital star Lexi Ainsworth now has a new interest in Chinese classical dance.
[Lexi Ainsworth, Actor]:
“They are amazing and I wish I could do what they do. I really wish that there was some place here that I could take lessons.”
Noah’s Ark star Jennia Fredrique had a message for the Shen Yun performers.
[Jennia Fredrique, Actor]:
“…precision, the dancing, the technique was astounding. So congratulations on a job extremely well done. I am going to try some of those moves at home tonight.”
[Philip Rodriguez, Actor]:
“They were in such synchronization and I thought it was really powerful. Both grace and power and talking about their culture. It was really great. It was really really powerful to watch.”
[Mike Manning, Actor]:
“I love it so far. It’s a lot of fun. It makes me want to learn how to dance better…The music is just the icing on the cake. It’s perfect because you have the story being told, you have the dancers dancing and then you have the music kind of bringing you in to it.”
Leon G. Thomas III has starred in Broadway productions The Lion King, Caroline, or Change, and The Color Purple.
[Leon G. Thomas III, Actor and Singer]:
“I thought it was amazing. The dancing was just so inspirational. Just the stuff that they they’re doing is truly bringing some enlightenment to my eyes.”
Shen Yun is at the Music Center’s Dorothy Chandler Pavilion until July 11.
NTD News, Los Angeles.

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