It Takes Two — Argentina and Ukraine — to Tango

Young musicians played the works of the famous Argentine composer, Astor Piazzolla, in the Kiev music school.
The most talented students prepared a special program to mark the 200th anniversary of Argentinean Independence.
[Lila Roldan Vazquez de Moine, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic in Ukraine]:
„He is a great figure in our culture because Piazzolla is an outstanding composer who simply changed the musical performances, in particular the tango.“
Astor Piazzolla modernized Tango by adding elements of jazz and classical music. He is called the founder of a new style of Nuevo Tango. It seems Ukrainian musicians have taken this style to heart.
[Yekaterina Pavlovskaya, Pianist]:
„The Argentinian music has such a charisma, very strong emotions. It’s passion, so to speak.“
[Oleg Dudnichenko, Violinist]:
„A great release of adrenaline, when you are on stage it is unforgettable.“
It took only a few weeks or even days for young musicians to study the music. However, their teachers say they could have done better.
[Olga Savitskaya, Head Teacher]:
„Piazzolla sometimes requires more energy, more emotion. On the other hand — lyricism. They are still very young, and for some artists it is still a problem.“
Organizers of the concert want to attract the audience for classical music and mutually enrich the culture of the Ukrainian and the Argentinean people.
[Vlada Prokaeva, President of the Foundation „Talented Children — the future of Ukraine“]:
„I would like to remind by such events like today’s, that there is a cultural exchange between people, no matter what the obstacles or any trouble, economic or political. Culture is eternal.“
Last year the Argentine tango was included in UNESCO’s cultural heritage list.
NTD, Kiev, Ukraine

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