Israel: Hosts International Folklore Festival

Epoch Times22. Juli 2009

For participating performers, it’s a great opportunity to introduce their culture through dance. The music, movements and costumes mainly represent the spirit and traditions of different ethnic groups.

Tatiana Izyumova came from Russia. She explains it’s not just about the dance, but the history and culture behind it. Once they understand it, it shines through on the stage.

[Tatiana Izyumova, Russian Dance Troupe]:
“Before staging a dance, it’s important to learn the national traditions, history, way of life and culture. We learn choreography in a deep way, so we don’t just have folkloric material but a stylized dance. At the same time, we keep it clear and simple on stage and don’t include anything excessive. While keeping the best of tradition, we add a contemporary perspective from the 21st century.”

Yavne is pleased to be one of the cities hosting the festival this year.

[Zvi Gov-Ari, Mayor of Yavne]:
“This International Festival offers exposure to other cultures and builds bridges between nations. I believe that such bridges build extraordinary relationships between people and between different cultures.”

For most of the performers it is also a rare chance to get to experience Israel, with its unique culture and historical heritage.

[Irena Winnik, Polish Dance Troupe]:
“We are in Israel for the first time. And we can see that it’s marvelous. Everything is very interesting and we are very glad to be here. We are going everywhere; we can see different cities; we can perform everywhere, and of course we have got a very nice experience.”

Although Israeli citizens and most of the performing dancers speak different languages, the language of dance and music unite them with this colorful, intercultural festivity.

NTD Israel


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