Israel Approves 50 Settler Homes
Israel risked sparking a row with Washington after the government gave the go ahead to building 50 new Jewish homes at this settlement in the occupied West bank.
President Obama is pressing Israel to halt all settlement activity as part of a bid to revive peace talks with the Palestinians.
News of the construction plans emerged hours before Defense Minister Ehud Barak was due to fly to Washington.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to declare a settlement freeze, saying that some construction should continue to match population growth within the enclaves.
Senior Israeli officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Sunday that Netanyahu is seeking an understanding with the Obama administration that would allow construction already under way in settlements to go forward.
The expansion of Jewish settlements is one of the key obstacles blocking the road to peace.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas interrupted a groundbreaking ceremony for a new West Bank neighborhood to denounce the expansion.
[Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian President]:
„Israel did not even accomplish one of its required tasks. Israel’s most important duty is to halt all forms of settlement activities, including what it refers to as natural growth. We will not accept the continuation of settlements that devour our land, piece by piece and then invite us to negotiate. This is not a precondition, but an obligation.“
Israel has sought to ease tensions over settlements by committing to remove more West Bank roadblocks and unauthorized settler outposts.
But the Palestinian Authority insists that until Israel halts all settlement activity there can be no talk of peace.
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