Ireland: Rioting Continues in Belfast
A fourth day of rioting in Belfast.
Renewed violence gripped the Northern Irish capital as protesters attacked police with petrol bombs.
Rioters protesting against the mainly Protestant pro British Orange parades began targeting the police on Sunday night.
There were no new reports of injuries from the latest clashes, but over 80 officers have been injured since the rioting began.
The violence reached it’s peak on Monday July 12, with 55 officers injured in that day alone.
July 12th marks a traditional Protestant holiday for the Battle of Boyne in 1690, and is celebrated by a series of marches, sometimes contentiously through Catholic neighbourhoods.
Northern Ireland’s First Minister and Deputy First Minister yesterday hit out at those behind the rioting and defended their political efforts to ease tensions over the controversial parades.
But senior police officials blamed dissident republicans for stoking tensions.
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