India: Motorbike Stunt Man Aims for World Record

Epoch Times12. August 2009

Jitendra is about to start a long uncomfortable ride on a motorbike up a ladder, and all in the name of earning himself a world record.

[Jitendra, Soldier, Indian Army Corps of Signals]:
„I am trying to ride on it for 8 hours continuously without any rest. There are many technical and climatic conditions attached to it. If the weather, wind direction and speed remain in my favor then I will be able to achieve my aim.“

The Indian soldier is showing of his prowess as he whizzes around a field in Madhya Pradesh 4 and a half meters in the air.

Jitendra is hoping to smash the existing world record he says was set in 1999.

The difference is he’s doing it non-stop.

The Indian army stunt man is reported to have achieved his goal and can now give his tired legs a long needed break.


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