India: Leopard Captured Found in Backyard

Epoch Times18. Juni 2009

And now to the Jammu and Kashmir region of India where more and more wild animals are finding their way into the urban areas there. In the latest incident a villager managed to trap a wild leopard in his yard.

At this small village in Gordan Bala, locals are on there way to Zamarud Hussain’s house.

The local man found a leopard in his yard.

The big cat had strayed into the house and killed his pet goat.

Luckily Hussain was able to lock the gate keeping the animal penned while he alerted forest officials.

[Zamarud Hussain, Found Leopard in Yard]:
„I went alone outside and my mother came after me. Although I was frightened but I kept my wits and managed to bolt the door from outside, I lost my voice and regained consciousness after ten minutes. It tried to attack me but I did not lose my hold on the bolt.“

Local forest officers soon had the leopard caged and ready to return to the wild.

It is illegal to kill leopards in India, and forest authorities were thankful that this one was not harmed.

[Masood Ahmed, Forest Officer]:
„Most of the times people kill the animal but this time I would like to appreciate the villagers who did not kill it and we managed to capture it alive. It is a very valuable animal.“

In recent years, incidents of wild animals straying into urban areas have increased here in the state.

Loss of habitat as civilization encroaches into forest areas and a dwindling food supply is to blame.


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