India: Accidents Plague New Delhi Metro

Epoch Times15. Juli 2009

An overhead bridge under construction gave way and crushed six workers to death on Sunday, July 12.  And on Monday the 13th, rescue cranes crashed injuring five workers.

Commuters say they don’t feel as safe traveling on trains as they used to.

[Sonali Sharma, Commuter]:
„Earlier when we used to travel in Metro, we used to feel quite safe and comfortable and it is even convenient. But after the recent accidents we have started developing fear whether we will arrive safely while traveling in Metro or not. So the government should see that safe construction work is done so that commuters feel safe while traveling.“

Some feel the accidents have happened because construction has been rushed to get the city ready for the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

[Harshit Pandey, Commuter]:
„We are not feeling safe at all. Within one year we have witnessed three accidents at Metro sites. The Commonwealth Games are nearing so these Metro people are proceeding with construction in a hurry, to finish it as soon as possible. We can see the damage from their carelessness, and if they go on working like this we may see more of these incidents in the future.“

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has enjoyed strong government support. It has not been shackled by delays, cost overruns and red tape that have plagued almost all major projects in India.


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