Hu Jintao’s New York Visit Met with Protests at U.N.

Epoch Times24. September 2009

As the world’s leaders gathered at the U.N. Summit on Climate Change in New York yesterday, the presence of Chinese leader Hu Jintao drew protests.

[Dnzin Dsundue, Tibetan Activist from India]:
“I am here to protest Hu Jintao’s visit to United Nations. Today he is sitting with all the world’s leaders and he is claiming that there is so much development in China, but what he’s really doing is he’s destroying the natural ecosystem in occupied countries like Tibet, East Turkistan and Inner Mongolia.”

These groups were prepared to stay for hours to get their message across — a message of freedom and peace.

[Dnzin Dsundue, Tibetan Activist from India]:
“I am really excited that, and also encouraged that, we are not alone. There are so many people, even Chinese themselves — the Chinese who are demanding democracy. There are Chinese who are persecuted for their religious beliefs, or Chinese Falun Gong. And then the Taiwanese who say that they want to maintain the independence of Taiwan. Then there are the Sri Lankans, the East Turkistan Uighur people, and the Burmese, who are… all of us are somehow direct victims of Chinese policies.”

Scores of Falun Gong practitioners were there, calling for Hu Jintao to put an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. One practitioner, Muluan Luo, says her husband went to Tsinghua University with Hu.

[Muluan Luo, Falun Gong Practitioner]:
“I came today specifically to tell Hu Jintao, you better quickly stop persecuting Falun Gong, because I’m a Falun Gong practitioner.”

Falun Gong practitioners are severely persecuted in China. The Falun Dafa information center has documented more than 63,000 accounts of Falun Gong practitioners being tortured under the Chinese regime.

Sarah Matheson, NTD News, New York.


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