Honduras: Amnesty Offer to Ousted Honduras President

Epoch Times14. Juli 2009

Honduran interim president Roberto Micheletti says ousted president Manuel Zelaya will not be allowed to return to power under any circumstances, but could be granted an amnesty if he comes home quietly to face justice.

[Roberto Micheletti, Honduran Interim President]:
“I don’t want to overstep my responsibilities, but I think that there wouldn’t be any problem as he is a citizen of this country and if he came back quietly and gave himself in to the authorities, since he has committed various crimes. But I think we must seek peace and if that was part of the agreement then there would be no problem with it.“

The interim leader also has plans to hand over power after the scheduled November 29th elections, which he says will go ahead as planned.

[Roberto Micheletti, Honduran Interim President]:
“ I am ready to do anything and to guarantee to Hondurans and to the world that on November 29th — if a decision isn’t made earlier than that — on November 29th we will have free, transparent elections and on January 27th we will handover the government to the new Honduran president-elect.“

Micheletti’s suggestion of amnesty is the first such offer of conciliation, although Zelaya insists on being reinstated and has vowed to return and defy the interim government.


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