Honda Unveils New Car for Indian Market

Epoch Times6. Januar 2010

Japan’s Honda Motor Company will begin selling a new compact car in India in 2011.

The five-seater family car will be based on the “Honda New Small Concept” unveiled at the Delhi Auto Expo. Honda says the car is being developed especially for India and other emerging markets.

Honda will price the new car at nearly $10,800 U.S. dollars, by leveraging its global parts sourcing network.

The company will further increase local procurement in India to price the car attractively for Indian customers.

Japanese rivals Toyota Motor Corporation and Nissan Motor Company are also planning their own entry-level cars in India, with production scheduled to begin this year.

The low-cost, compact car segment is seen as crucial to expanding in emerging car markets.

Honda markets itself as a premium brand in India, where it is a minor player with sales of just over 58,000 cars in the January-November period of last year.


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