Helicopter Used In Swedish Robbery

This is the building where the audacious robbery took place in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
The thieves used a helicopter in their raid on a secure cash depot on the outskirts of the Swedish capital, Stockholm.
According to police, the helicopter landed on the warehouse’s roof and the robbers entered the building by breaking some windows.
[Kjell Lindgren, Police Spokesman]:
„These people made their way into the building, detonations were heard which indicates that someone has shot something, perhaps an explosive. And then there are reports that these people who were inside the building then climbed back into the helicopter and took off.“
Police were alerted after several explosions were heard coming from the security company’s facilities.
And this is where the stolen get-away helicopter landed, in fields in the northern suburbs of the capital.
Police set a cordon well away from the helicopter.
[Kjell Lindgren, Police Spokesman]:
„At this location where we are now, the place where the helicopter landed, this is where we’re currently looking for leads around the helicopter. We also want to make sure the helicopter doesn’t contain anything that could be dangerous and that is why we stand so far away.“
No one was injured in what police are calling a well-planned robbery. Police also say many obstacles were laid in the way of a speedy police response.
As yet, there’s no estimate of how much cash the thieves got away with
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