Greek Taxi Drivers Go on Strike

Traffic along some of Athens‘ busiest roads is at a standstill.
Greek taxi drivers are on strike in the capital, putting further pressure on an already struggling tourism industry.
Visitors disembarking at Piraeus, where ferries and cruise ships dock, were also blocked, left to weave through rows of parked taxis.
The drivers are angry over government reforms that make it easier to buy taxi licenses.
Before the new legislation, it was difficult to acquire a license, which led drivers to sell them to each other for exorbitant amounts of money.
Taxi drivers say the law, passed on July 2, will affect their livelihoods negatively.
[Panagiotis Koutelias, Taxi Driver]:
„I am 56 years old I bought the taxi two years ago and it cost me 190,000 euros for the permit and 40,000 euros for the vehicle. I sold property to buy the taxi because I didn’t have a job. I am ready to give my life to keep these hooligans from taking the money that I have paid for this.“
Greece is in the midst of a sovereign debt crisis that makes tourism revenues particularly important.

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