“From Earth to Heaven”—Shen Yun in Switzerland

It’s the second time this year that the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company plays in Switzerland. Their March performance in Lausanne was completely sold out.
And once again, Shen Yun performed to a full house on the first of their four-show run in Neuchâtel.
One journalist from a local TV station was impressed by the sights and sounds of Shen Yun.
[Mr Bürki, Journalist]:
“I find the dancers‘ movements fascinating, the way they moved really amazed me. I especially liked the drums, yes, I really enjoyed it.”
The show’s master of ceremonies hosted the show in French, a foreign language to Mr Bürki. But he says it didn’t stop him from understanding the meaning behind the performances.
[Mr Bürki, Journalist]:
“The shows I have seen so far were musicals, which are more about the singing and less about telling a story through dancing. Even if one didn’t fully understand the host’s introductions, one was still be able to follow the storyline, without (reading) a text. I find this quite interesting.”
Mrs. Migliorini, is a traditional Chinese medicine therapist and a former dancer. She says she learned a lot about the China of olden days.
[Mrs. Migliorini, Former Dancer]:
„I really appreciated it, because one enters into the world of traditional China, especially at the dance level, which I particularly love. It’s a super discovery. Because it’s true, until now we haven’t had a show where Chinese tradition is put to light to such artistic dimension, I mean Chinese classical dance. I also found the music very traditional.“
It was like being transported to another world.
[Mrs. Migliorini, Former Dancer]:
„And the message—all the spiritual dimension of this show is absolutely splendid. (…) We are gently… taken from earth to heaven.”
Shen Yun runs daily at Neuchâtel’s Théâtre du Passage until Sunday, May 16th.
NTD News, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.
Die Aufführungen von „Shen Yun“ finden bis Mitte Juni in folgenden Städten statt:
Louvain-la-Neuve/Neu-Löwen bei Brüssel, Belgien / 30. April – 11. Mai
Neuchâtel, Schweiz / 13.-16. Mai
Chişinău/Kischinau, Republik Moldau / 25.-26. Mai
Odessa, Ukraine / 28. Mai
Athen, Griechenland / 3.-4. Juni
Turin, Italien / 8.-9. Juni
Lodz, Polen / 14.-16. Juni

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