For Chinese Regime, No Retreat On Green Dam

Epoch Times19. Juni 2009

The Chinese regime’s „Green Dam“ software is designed to filter out content deemed „unhealthy“ by the Chinese censors. Several weeks ago, the regime ordered that the software be preinstalled on all new computers sold after July 1.

Earlier this week, media reported that the Chinese regime had backed down, but that does not appear to be the case.

The confusion came from an article in the state-run English language paper China Daily. It quoted a Chinese official who said Green Dam could be put on a CD-ROM or on the hard drive as setup files only—instead of being preinstalled on all computers.

But according to the New York Times, this quoted official was not speaking with any authority.

The Chinese regime has in fact not issued any official statement that their policy has changed. In other words, they’re still requiring Green Dam be preinstalled on every computer or included on an installation CD-ROM, and that it also be saved in the computer’s backup files.

Also: We had mentioned a few days ago that a California company called Solid Oak is claiming that the makers of Green Dam stole some of its software code. Well, now Solid Oak has issued cease-and-desist letters to computer makers such as Dell, HP and Gateway—warning them not to ship computers loaded with Green Dam.


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