Flash Floods in Indonesia’s Papua Province Kill at Least 13

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times4. April 2011

Heavy rains for nearly a month have caused floods in Papua Province in eastern Indonesia. The Paniai Lake has swelled and caused floodwaters to sweep through the Paniai district in the province.

Local media reports say at least 13 people are killed, dozens injured, and many others still missing.

Rising waters broke the banks of the river, and waters rushed into the residential areas sweeping away dozens of wooden and concrete houses.

Some residents were evacuated by speedboat. Thousands are taking refuge in schools and public buildings.

Indonesia has struggled to curb widespread illegal clearing of its forests, which worsens damage caused by flooding.

Forests are cleared in resource-rich Papua to make way for mines, plantations or local infrastructure.

Foto: NTD

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