Fatima: Fellow Clergy „Be Attentive“ Says Pope Benedict
As Pope Benedict XVI holds Vespers on the grounds of the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Fatima, he takes the opportunity to ask his fellow clergy to be attentive to situations where there may be „certain weakening of priestly ideals or dedication.“
[Pope Benedict XVI ]:
„Be especially attentive to those situations where there is a certain weakening of priestly ideals or dedication to activities not fully consonant with what is proper for a Minister of Jesus Christ. Then is the time to take a firm stand, with an attitude of warm fraternal love, as brother assisting his brother to ‚remain on his fee‘. “
Pope Benedict XVI indirectly refers to the sexual abuse scandal that has been recently engulfing the Catholic Church.
This comes days after Pope Benedict commented that the greatest threat to Catholicism came from „sin within the Church“. The Pope also mentioned that the Church has „a very deep need“ to recognise that it must do penitence for its sins and „accept purification“.
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