DNA Proves Indonesia’s Most Wanted Militant Is Dead

Epoch Times21. September 2009

The face of Indonesia’s most wanted militant.

Police say DNA tests have now confirmed that Noordin Mohammed Top was one
of three people killed in a shoot-out on Thursday.

[Nanan Sukarna, National Police Spokesman]:
„The forensics identification process, including fingerprints and DNA, has confirmed the body is that of Noordin Mohammad Top.“

Top was killed when police raided a house on Java island.

They were looking for men linked to two suicide bombings at luxury hotels in Jakarta in July.

The Malaysian-born militant had been a wanted man for years.

He was suspected of setting up a violent splinter group of the militant network Jemaah Islamiah.

It’s been linked to several atrocities in Bali and Jakarta in recent years.

The timing of Top’s death couldn’t be better for the Indonesian authorities.

America had been putting pressure on police to capture of kill him before President Obama visits the country in November.


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