Dalai Lama Birthday Celebrations

Epoch Times6. Juli 2009

It’s the 74th birthday of their spiritual leader and many Tibetans have gathered at the main Buddhist temple here in Dharamsala.

They are praying for the long life and health of their leader who was born this day in 1935 in a hamlet in Tibet.

But today only a portrait of the Dalai Lama was present. The spiritual leader was in New Delhi attending a meeting with the former president of India.

[Lobsang Wangyal, Tibetan]:
„We call it tulakaan, it is the Tibetan government-in-exile official’s celebration and six parliamentarians from Australia are also here as chief guests. Today there will be prayers for the long life of the Dalai Lama.“

There is great hope that one day these celebrations will be held in Tibet.

[Thubten Samphel, Tibetan Government-in-exile Spokesperson]:
„(All our effort) is based on this firm conviction and hope that we will return to Tibet in circumstances which satisfy the majority of Tibetan people and will celebrate both our Losar and his Holiness‘ next birthday in Lhasa.“

The Dalai Lama has been the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader since 1940.


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