Cuban Woman Writes Love Letters for a Living
There’s hope for tongue-tied lovers these days. A Cuban woman writes love letters for her clients in more than 20 countries. Let’s take a look.
Inside this tiny house in central Cuba a woman rekindles old fashioned romance in a modern age.
Liudmila Quincose writes love letters for a living.
She came up with the idea in the early 90s, a time of political hardship in Cuba after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
She put up this sign advertising her skills to encourage people who are too tongue tied to say how they feel.
[Liudmila Quincose, Love Letter Writer]:
„I would say to people: to go back to the blank, white page; which is not the computer screen or the screen of the cell phone, and not something from history that belongs in another era, but that is so necessary and something we have to conserve and save.“
She has been writing love notes for 15 years for people of all ages and nationalities.
Gustavo Alberto Mata is one of the success stories. He went to Quincose for help to win the heart of the woman he loved.
Now he has been married for five years and has a two-year-old daughter.
[Gustavo Alberto Mata, Mexican Student]:
„To help someone express their feelings through writing is something that is very important and especially for a couple that has just met because you realize through a letter, and a few lines, that this person feels something for you.“
Quincose gets about 60 letters a month from people asking for her help.
In this electronic age, letter-writing may be a dying art.
But for just the cost of a cup of coffee in Cuba, Quincose is helping to keep the language of love alive.
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