Chopin Celebrated in Poland

One of Poland’s beloved sons is receiving an ovation 200 years after he was born.
International musicians are converging on Warsaw for round-the-clock recitals of the music Frederic Chopin. A Japanese pianist was one of the first of about 250 musicians performing.
[Ai Kayukawa, Pianist]:
„To keep performing from February 22 continuously for a week is a very interesting thing to do; in Japan it would be unbelievable, it’s an interesting experience. So professionals, amateurs, anybody can come and perform Chopin’s music. I would like people to come and listen.“
The exact date of Chopin’s birth is disputed, but event organizers merged the dates in February and March to make the marathon performance happen.
[Edyta Duda-olechowska, Organiser]:
„Biographers to this day have no idea what it’s about, what day it was. We don’t want to take on the subject, we just want to take pleasure from these wonderful compositions.“
Chopin remains one the most celebrated classical musicians in history, whose music now transcends East and West.

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