China: Toxic Chemicals Spilled into Yangtze River

Epoch Times13. August 2009

Chinese state run media reports that recovery work is continuing in Hubei province in China to retrieve 62 containers which toppled from a cargo ship into the Yangtze River on Monday the 10th.

12 of the containers are holding dangerous chemicals.

Three containers have so far been recovered but the 12 chemical-filled containers are still submerged.

The containers fell into the river around midnight on Monday as a cargo ship attempted to turn in the lower reaches of the Three Gorges Dam near Yichang City in Hubei Province. It was carrying 176 containers in all.

The 12 industrial containers hold corrosive potassium permanganate, sodium permanganate, and potassium hydroxide.

Water tests in the area have not yet shown signs of contamination.

Water supplies to Yichang City had been cut following the accident but were restored by 11am local time on Tuesday the 11th.

A preliminary investigation by the local maritime bureau has blamed the incident on inadequate fastening of the containers and improper navigation.


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