China: Officials Say Green Dam Filter Still to Be Required

Epoch Times5. Juli 2009

This past Tuesday, China’s censorship authorities announced that they were postponing the requirement for all new PCs sold in the country to contain the „Green Dam“ filtering software.

The original date was July 1st—when all new PCs sold had to contain the censorship tool. But after heavy international and domestic criticism, communist officials pushed back the deadline indefinitely.

There was some speculation that the plan might be scrapped altogether after waves of criticism, protest, and mockery.

But on Thursday, China’s state-run China Daily newspaper quoted an unnamed official as saying the country’s communist leaders, quote, „will definitely carry on the directive on Green Dam. It’s just a matter of time.“

Meanwhile, PC companies themselves have been caught in a kind of limbo. Some are including Green Dam installation disks with new computers shipped to China, while others have said they are waiting for further guidelines.


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