China: Acquitted CCP Official-Murdering-Waitress Disappears

A waitress sentenced without punishment for stabbing a Chinese official to death, after he sexually assaulted her, has disappeared. It comes just two days after she and her mother left the courtroom, and even her mother doesn’t know where she is.
Since waitress Deng Yujiao went to trial on June 16 the Chinese Communist Party’s state-run media widely reported within China and abroad that she was freed and walked out of the court.
On June 18 Wu Ganith, who uses the Internet username of butcher, called Deng’s mom, Zhang Shumei. Wu’s attorney, friend, and China Law Society member Si Ning, published the audio recording of the conversation.
According to Wu’s analysis on the forum, Deng’s mother was under close monitoring and couldn’t receive phone calls. She read written responses and asked Wu and attorneys not to contact her.
On a blog Si Ning questioned: Deng Yujiao has not obtained true freedom. The so-called freeing of Deng Yujiao is a completely lie.
The mother also said on the phone that local authorities took her daughter away for so-called medical treatment.
[Zhang Shumei, Deng Yujiao’s Mother]:
“Now she…later…currently…she is…I don’t know where she is.”
[Wu Ganith, “Butcher”]:
“You don’t know where Deng Yujiao is?”
[Zhang Shumei, Deng Yujiao’s Mother]:
“I’m not sure right now. I already returned to my home town, back home.”
[Zhang Shumei, Deng Yujiao’s Mother]:
“Currently this is this situation. You know, she is sick. Now the government wants to treat her illness. Where is she now…she needs to be treated. I am not actually with her.”
The mother thanked Deng Yujiao’s original attorneys, Xia Sen and Xia Nan, for their assistance. She had to dismiss them against her own will. Badong County’s Chinese Communist Party secretary Li Hongmin has been suspected of influencing her decision.
The Badong government also allegedly forced Deng to signed a contract and ask the media not to appeal for her release. She was then secretly detained to ensure she didn’t appeal. Deng’s current attorneys Wang Shaopeng and Deng Gang, have received threats not to appeal for their client’s release.

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